
Music Is What We Live By

Music is a big part of our life. Music is intrinsically woven into the fabric of who we are as people. Music is synonymous with our culture. Music has been around before we were writing. The drum beat was like our heartbeat. Music is what I live by. There is always a tune in my head; a song I can sing relative to the moment.

I write lyrics. Lyrics that have breath and depth. Music impacts mood. Positive rhythms will generate positive feelings and positive feelings will produce optimism.

The brighter side of things is my preferred side of the album. Therefore, we write music that inspires and ignites joy. The world needs love, but if it had more joy love would manifest in abundance.

Making good music is like being in love; not that puppy stuff. I am talking about sacrificial, shelter you from the elements while being sensitive to your sensibilities kind of love. Good music and good lyrics are like man and wife coming together in perfect harmony.